How is gummy made?

How is gummy made?

Afternoon tea is often the most leisurely time in a busy working day, but always ordering takeaway or buying snacks seems to be a little sinful to your health. If you can occasionally make your snacks, it’s a good choice, or if you can make Jellybean into some other small food items, it’s also excellent,how to make gummy snacks? Share several fudge snacks today.

True quality fondant is basically made of natural fruits, sugar, and pectin, rich in vitamins and proteins, making it a healthy and tasty snack. In addition, fondant has various shapes and colors, so it is also widely used in chocolate fillings, cake decorations, and other aspects.

There are two common ways to make fondant, one is with fresh fruit, and the other is with fruit puree. Today’s recipe starts with a fruit fondant, followed by a fondant made of fruit paste and a shaped fondant.

First, the fudge recipe is made of fresh fruit. Let’s take peaches as an example.

1, prepare the ingredients: medium-sized peaches, sugar, glucose syrup, pectin, lemon juice.

2, peel and core the peaches, cut them into small pieces, and put them in a pot.

3, Cook on medium heat for about ten minutes until soft, sieve, and make a wonderful puree.

4, Mix the pectin with some of the sugar.

5, Put the peach puree, the glucose, and the remaining sugar in a saucepan over medium heat to about 60ºC. Add the sugar and pectin mixture, constantly stirring, add the lemon juice while stirring, and cook until 106ºC, remove from the heat.

6. Pour the mixture into the mold.

7, Stand in a calm, dry environment for a few hours until solidified and unmolded.

8, Sprinkle the surface with granulated sugar to prevent sticking when cutting.

9, Cut the fondant shape and size according to preference.

Second, fruit paste fudge: fruit paste fudge can be made from berries and other fruit paste. You can use a mixture of raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries to make fruit paste.

1, prepare the materials: fruit paste, sugar, glucose syrup, pectin, lemon juice.

2, using fruit paste to make fudge, omit the process of chopping fresh fruit, boiling soft, sieving, etc., to make the puree, directly use the fruit paste as puree, the remaining steps are the same as above, here is not repeated.

Third, orange modeling fudge: again, with orange modeling fudge as an example, share a modeling fudge production.

1, prepare materials: orange fruit puree, sugar, glucose syrup, pectin, citric acid.

2, Pour the puree into a pot and heat it.

3, Mix citric acid with an equal amount of water and mix sugar with pectin.

4, Heat the puree and when it is about 40ºC, add the sugar and pectin mixture. Stirring constantly with a stirrer, bring to a boil, and add the glucose syrup.

5, Continue heating the mixture slowly, constantly stirring, checking the temperature with a thermometer, adding citric acid while starting, and removing heat when the mixture reaches 107ºC.

6, Pour the mixture into a measuring cup and fill the mold with a spoon, taking care to be quick to avoid the fondant from solidifying.

7, Place the filled fondant in the refrigerator to chill and unmold after it has solidified.

8, Dip the surface in powdered sugar for decoration.

9, Finished product.

The above is the method of making several gummy snacks. The same way can be used to make other flavors and shapes of gummy candies. Just change some ingredients. Candy processing factories commonly use gummy machine to produce gummy candies, and gummy making machine can also make various kinds of sweets with different flavors, colors, and shapes.

Sweet and sour, soft Q, healthy and delicious, even if the name is “sugar” fruit, but various fruit flavors blend. Even in the hot summer, consumption is completely unburdened, easy to carry, and is a slight ability to relieve cravings. We usually have nothing to do can do to eat, the production process is also fascinating!

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